Wednesday 16 May 2012

Mufti Day is upon us!

Hi Parents & Students!!

Well tomorrow (Fri, 18 May) is Mufti Day!!  Yay!  Mufti day is always fun, especially because it always supports a great cause.  This time around is no different.  

Instead of bringing a gold coin donation to school for Mufti, students will need to bring 2 Colgate Toothpaste boxes each.  

Our school is currently part of the Colgate Carton Race.  We are in the competition to win first prize of $12,500 dollars worth of PE equipment for our school.  With our whole community around us we will win for sure!  Students can bring more, and Room 4 have been excellent at bringing cartons all week - but tomorrow remember 2 new cartons per child.

We are currently at 13th place...Come on everyone, WE CAN DO IT!! Click here to check the leader boards

Thanks everyone - the pay off for this one is going to be HUGE!  Watch this space for some cool Mufti photos tomorrow :)

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