Wednesday 2 May 2012

Good Fit Reading!!

One of the crucial parts of becoming a good reader is choosing the right books to help you reach your goals.

In class we discussed this and I used this fun little illustration to help us understand what "Good Fit Books" are. I asked all the students to take off their right shoe and add it to a pile in the middle of the circle. When everyone was back in their seat, I instructed them when I said "Go!" to quickly grab a shoe and put it on as fast as possible. The moment came and everyone leapt for a shoe. Laughter spilled out as everyone was trying to put on their "new" shoe, finding it was either too big or too small and just plain looked funny on them.

The purpose of the lesson was for students to use the "ipick" rules to choose books that match their reading ability, just like how wearing a shoe that is too big will take you a long time to get to your destination - reading books that are still too difficult for you will take you a long time to improve your accuracy, fluency and comprehension.

Lesson well learnt and room 4 are excellent at picking "good fit books"!

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