Thursday 10 May 2012

Fable Retelling

During English we have been studying Fables and Fairytales.  One of our learning outcomes is that we are learning to write first-person accounts and description based on observation. 
We learnt that a fable's main characters are usually animals with human-like qualities, they are short stories and they have a message or a lesson to be learnt. 
During one of our lessons Mrs Nansen read us the story of The Wolf in the Sheep's Clothing.  
Here is the fable retold, edited and published (typed into our blog!) by Praise Dobbs and Carlos Toimata.

The wolf in the sheep clothing
Once upon a time there was a wolf.The wolf was hungry so he dressed up as a sheep.One day the farmers' family were hungry so the farmer got a sheep.But it was the wolf so the wolf got eaten by the farmers' family.
By Praise Dobbs

The wolf in sheep's clothing
Once there was a big bad wolf.He disguised himself as as sheep.
He wanted to eat one of the farmers sheep for his supper.
The farmer wanted roasted lamb for supper so he accidentally took the wolf for supper.
Pretending what you are not can bring bad trouble.
By Carlos Toimata

1 comment:

Dobbs family said...

Room 4 you rock...but then who wouldn't with the most amazing teacher...keep up with the fantastic work guys mrs Nansen you are highly valued