Friday 16 August 2013

Junior School Assembly

Congratulations, Jode Reign!
Today we celebrated how well you are doing in your Maths. It is so great to see you persisting and achieving! Ka pai, Jode Reign!

Congratulations, Naomi!
We celebrated how kind you are to others, in particular how you include others into activities! Well done, Naomi!


Room 3 and 4 are really enjoying 'Discovery' in Friday afternoons. This week our theme was Little Red Riding Hood and our skill to develop was 'staying on task'. It was a lot of fun. We made masks, picnic baskets, dough food and real luncheon sandwiches. We worked well together and were focused on our activities. It was tonnes of fun!

Thursday 15 August 2013

Happy Birthday, Maria!

Our general consensus is that Maria helps others with their learning! That's so awesome, Maria. Room 4 loves you!

Monday 5 August 2013

Our cool new classroom!

Even though our classroom isn't quite finished yet we have all enjoyed settling into our new light and bright room!
We have display walls and a library corner.
And our technology is up and running, too!
We know Mums and Dads are going to enjoy parent interviews in our new room with all our learning on display.