Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Science of Stems Pt 1

Today we made predictions about what might happen if the stems of white carnations were placed into coloured water.

We also split the stem of two different flowers and put each half into a different colour water. 

Tomorrow we will see what happened to our flowers.

Monday 14 October 2013

Term 4 Holiday Stories

In the holidays I went I went to Rainbow’s End. When I got there I went on the Log Fume. I screamed when I got off. I ran to the bumper boats. I almost fell off. After that I went to have chicken curry and a cup of chocolate smoothie. I also had a cup of chicken rice. Then I went on the Fear Fall. I got butterflies in my tummy.
By Isaiah

On Thursday I went around the Pamure Basin. It was fun. For breakfast I had fruit salad and porridge. After breakfast we went outside and went around the Basin. First I ran around the Basin. Then I ripsticked around the Basin. I played in the park. Next we went home. When we were at home my brother and I played spies. My brother was the funny guy.
By Caleb L

On Monday I went to the library. At the library I went on Mathletics. I went to verse people. Mu favourite part was when I went on face maker. The next day I cleaned up. It was for the sleepover. The next day I went to mall at Pakuranga Plaza. On the next day I went with my nana back to the library. We got some more books and we went to the computer. I went on the computer first. I went to verse some people on Mathletics. My favourite part was when I went on facemaker to change my clothes. Then the next day we went to the beach. On Saturday we went to the movies. When we were waiting at home we did jobs. The next hour we went to the movies. At the movies we were going to watch Smurfs 2 but we had to watch Turbo. Then the next day we went to church and it was fun.
By Kiri

On Friday Quinn came to my house. They brought lots of chocolate. Me and Quinn went in the cold pool and the spa. When we hopped out of the spa we played ‘piggy in the middle’. They went home.
By Caleb P

On last Saturday I went to Hamilton because my Aunty was in hospital. When we got there she was already there. We saw my Aunty and her bite from a white tailed spider and it was yuck. My favourite part was when I was in kid’s church. We had to jump in then we got to jump out. When I had to go I went to my Aunty’s house for a BBQ and it was yum. Then I had to go home. Then I played with my friends.
By Jordan

On Sunday we went to the airport to see my nana go to Australia Then we took my Pop home to have some lunch. My dad and pop were watching Bathurst 1000. Then friends came over and we played on the scooters with the jump. My favourite part was when I jumped on the ramp.
By Preston

In my holidays I went to my Nana’s house. It was on Sunday after church. I thought it would be short but it was long. We went to Wiauku, that’s where she lives. I have a friend called Molly. She is eight. Her friend Summet was at her house but before that I got sprayed by the hose. Megan was there, too. She came with me. She did not get wet because she was in her clothes. Molly got a new radio. I asked Nana is they could come over. She said, “Yes”. We did a show and sang a song. My favourite part was making yellow and green jelly.
By Lauren

At the start of the holidays I went to the Holiday Program. I went to the Botanical Gardens for a team race. The other team won but we all got a prize. On Thursday I went to my mum’s job because I didn’t want to go to sports. My favourite part was the prize because it was cookies for prizes. The cookies were vanilla, chocolate and chocolate with thousands of sprinkles.

By Maria

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Congratulations, Kaizen!

Today at our whole school assembly, Kaizen recieved an award  for her diligence and hard work in mathematics. She is so enthusiastic and focused at Maths time and gives her best. Well done, Kaizen!


Friday 16 August 2013

Junior School Assembly

Congratulations, Jode Reign!
Today we celebrated how well you are doing in your Maths. It is so great to see you persisting and achieving! Ka pai, Jode Reign!

Congratulations, Naomi!
We celebrated how kind you are to others, in particular how you include others into activities! Well done, Naomi!


Room 3 and 4 are really enjoying 'Discovery' in Friday afternoons. This week our theme was Little Red Riding Hood and our skill to develop was 'staying on task'. It was a lot of fun. We made masks, picnic baskets, dough food and real luncheon sandwiches. We worked well together and were focused on our activities. It was tonnes of fun!

Thursday 15 August 2013

Happy Birthday, Maria!

Our general consensus is that Maria helps others with their learning! That's so awesome, Maria. Room 4 loves you!

Monday 5 August 2013

Our cool new classroom!

Even though our classroom isn't quite finished yet we have all enjoyed settling into our new light and bright room!
We have display walls and a library corner.
And our technology is up and running, too!
We know Mums and Dads are going to enjoy parent interviews in our new room with all our learning on display. 

Friday 31 May 2013

The New Room Four!

A sneak peek at what our class will look like when we come back to school on Tuesday morning!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Roald Dahl

In Room 4, this term, we are studying works by Roald Dahl. For homework we had to find out information about his life and books he had written. Kaizen produced this amazing piece of work!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Fittest Kids in Town

For daily fitness we run laps around our school field for 10 minutes. Mrs Nansen sets the timer and we go go go! For every lap students get an ice block stick. Each day we try to beat our record from the day before by running, jogging, walking or skipping. So far the record in our class is 12 - well done Isaiah!

Grouping objects

In maths we're studying grouping large objects into more manageable groups for counting. Preston and Lauren are sorting animals into 10s on the flat screen.

Congratulations Naomi!

Miss Naomi Robinson - you are a star :) Today's certificate was for your awesome attitude,  consistent effort and growth since the start of this year.  You are a joyful student and a lovely friend to your peers - congratulations!

Friday 22 February 2013

Calendula Plants

Take a look at how fast our Calendula plants are growing!  We water our plants 3 times a week and a special monitor takes them outside to get plenty of sunlight each day.  Mrs Nansen is trying to organise a patch of garden where we can plant our flowers and look after them.

Junior School Assembly

 The Junior School met for our first small assembly on Friday.  This is a small gathering for students and teachers where we sing a few songs, acknowledge birthdays, enjoy a story and celebrate individual achievements. 
Mrs Prout welcomes everyone to the Junior School in 2013

Trinity, Kaizen and Maria lead the Junior School in singing 'The World's Greatest'.  Room 4 are very excited to now be the leaders of the Junior School.

"I am a lion, down in the jungle..."
Room 4's certificate for Week 2 goes to Hannah Lee Warren for the consistent level of excellence she has shown in her work and attitude since day one. Well done Hannah Lee!

Our school newsletter will let you know when our whole primary and whole school assemblies will be, please feel free to join us for these!

Sunday 17 February 2013

A Fabulous Day at the Gardens!

The Juniors went to the Auckland Botanic Gardens on Friday, 15 February 2013.  We enjoyed a full day of flowery fun.
First the bus picked us up from school. We felt happy and joyful about riding on the bus.  We arrived at the Auckland Botanic Gardens, we went into the covered area to eat our morning tea.  After morning tea we walked across the gardens to the kids garden, and into the classroom with our garden's teacher Susie. 
 Here we are riding on the bus
Here is Mr and Mrs Prout - Caleb's Mum and Dad. Mrs Prout is a teacher; Mr Prout came to help us for the day

 Mrs O'Connor was an awesome parent helper too 
 Ngarangi and Hunter are being funny with their delicious oranges 
Here are our new friends from Room 1
In the classroom we were learning about the life-cycle of a plant and how it grows from a seedling.  Did you know plants have petals, roots, leaves and a stem?  These are their parts.
 The Life Cycle of a Seed
 Susie teaching us about the life cycle of a seed.
Lauren is looking at the parts of the plant with her magnifying glass
Caleb is labelling the parts of a plant
Susie taught us about pollenation.  This is where insects pick up pollen and mix it with other plant's pollen to make new plants.  We had fun finding the pollen in the flowers. 
Susie showing us how bees collect and redistribute pollen
Rehutai found pollen
Daniel and Tyrone found some pollen too

A highlight of our trip was when some students got to dress up in flower costumes.  We acted out how the pollenation happens.
 Here are our lovely 'flowers'! Daniel, Mose, Ngarangi and Verity
 Ngarangi took his role very seriously, holding up his stamen proudly
Some bumble bees and butterflies taking the pollen from one plant to the next
The last part of our lesson was learning to plant a seed. 
We each got a yoghurt pot with holes in the bottom.  We filled it over half way with some soil.  Then we put some Calendula seeds in the pot.  We covered them with some more soil, patted them down then watered them lightly.  We can't wait to watch our seeds grow as we give them plenty of sunlight, fresh air and water to grow.
 Ready to plant our seeds. 
We used our best listening skills
 Te Whero, Trinity, Jode Reign and Kiri are busy planting
Caleb is adding his seeds to his pot
We would like to thank Susie for an amazing day - we enjoyed being in her class and all the exciting things she taught us.
After the class we had lunch under the trees, and spent the afternoon exploring the different gardens.  We all think we would like to go back to the gardens, especially now that we know so much more about flowers and how they grow!
 Having lunch in the shade of the tree
 Mrs Nansen's group :)
 Naomi found an interesting plant to sketch
 Deciding where we will go next by reading the gardens map
Enjoying the rose garden's bridge.  We think we saw some eels in the water!
Beautiful Trinity
We love science and learning about new things.  We are excited for our next learning out of the classroom experience.
Recount and captions written collectively by Room 4