Monday 19 March 2012

Our School Website

If you haven't already head over and check out our amazing live school website! will keep you updated with all the happenings in our school with the live calendar and frequent updates from our principal, Mr Senior.  Be sure to subscribe so updates are emailed to you directly - and before you go make sure you have subscribed here on our classroom blog!!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Is this learning....

Lollycake+learning = ?????! Stay tuned to find out more...

In the meantime here is the recipe:


100g butter
1/2 can condensed milk
1 pack ground malt biscuits
1 bag chopped Eskimos or fruit puffs

1.  Melt the butter & condensed milk in the microwave for 1 min then mix together
2.  Add the biscuits to the butter/milk mixture
3.  Chop your lollies and stir them in
4.  Roll the mixture into a log and refrigerate until solid
5.  Cut the log into slices and ENJOY!!

Room Four is Rockin in 2012!

Welcome everybody to Room Four's amazing blog!  We are so very excited to share all our amazing work and experiences with you! 
Life so far in room 4 has been very exciting - we have been busy learning, growing and reaching new levels.  And of course we've been having fun along the way.  Very soon we will backdate our blog from the beginning of 2012 some of the new things we've been doing.
Please leave your comments under each post, we can't wait to read your feedback.

Until next time...